Stand-Alone Soft Touch Hookups
Field Calibration and Troubleshooting
Hookup Drawings and Schematics
Solution | Solution 2 | Simplicity | Accustart | Fire'N Module | Soft Touch
- Solution Hook-up Diagram
9180 Type Controls
This hook-up diagram shows input/output wiring including initiation methods for proper hook up of Anti- tiedown initiation using mechanical palm buttons. Includes drawing for hooking up Non-Mechanical Touch Buttons. For use on 9180B-7 Power supply and I/O boards. (Solution Hookup.pdf) -
Solution LED Indicator Diagram -
9180 Type Controls
This diagram shows each of the diagnostic LED lights on the 9180B-7 power supply and I/O board. It shows when they are supposed to be on or off and what they mean. (Solution LEDs.pdf) -
Solution Hook-up Diagram
9180M, 9180L, 9180D Type Controls
This hook-up diagram shows input wiring including initiation methods for proper hook up of Anti-tiedown initiation using mechanical palm buttons. Includes drawing for hooking up Non-Mechanical Touch Buttons. For use on 9180B-8 Power supply and I/O boards. (Solution M Hookup.pdf)-
Solution LED Indicator Diagram
9180M, 9180L, 9180D Type Controls- This diagram shows each of the diagnostic LED lights on the 9180B-8 power supply and I/O board. It shows when they are supposed to be on or off and what they mean. (Solution M LEDs.pdf)
- Solution-2 Hook-up Diagram
9280 Type Controls
This hook-up diagram shows input/output wiring including initiation methods for proper hook up of various initiation methods. Also drawings showing jumper positions, proximity switch inputs, and PLC interfaces. For use on the 9280B-4 Power Supply and I/O Board. (Solution_2 Hookup.pdf)-
Solution-2 LED Indicator Diagram -
9280 Type Controls
This diagram shows each of the diagnostic LED lights on the 9280B-4 Power Supply and I/O Board, 9280F-2 Multi-SCR Firing Board, 9280V8-2 Multi-Valve Driver Board, and 9280TR-2 Multi- Transducer Multiplexer Board. It shows when the LEDs are supposed to be on or off and what they mean. (Solution_2 LEDs.pdf) -
Solution-2 LED Indicator Diagram
9280M, 9280L, 9280D Type Controls
This diagram shows each of the diagnostic LED lights on the 9280MB-4A Power Supply and I/O Board, 9280F-2 Multi-SCR Firing Board, 9280V8-2 Multi-Valve Driver Board, and 9280TR-2 Multi- Transducer Multiplexer Board. It shows when the LEDs are supposed to be on or off and what they mean. (Solution 2M_ LED.pdf)
- Simplicity Hook-up Diagram
9160 Type Controls
This hook-up diagram shows input/output wiring including initiation methods for proper hook up of various initiation methods. For use on the 9160-M Board. (Simplicity Hookup.pdf) -
- Accustart Hook-up Diagram
Stand-Alone Pressure Sensor
This hook-up diagram shows input/output wiring the Accustart. Includes plumbing drawing. (Accustart Hookup.pdf) -
- Fire'n Module Hook-up Diagram
9190 Type Controls
This hook-up diagram shows input/output wiring including initiation For use on the 9190-2 Board. (Firen Module Hookup.pdf)
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